And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?

Saturday, February 20, 2016

That you may know

I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
Ephesians 2:18-19

What is the love of God? We talk about it but do we comprehend its breath, length, height and depth? It is easy to believe God loves us as we love him.  Sometimes we love him as a good father. Other times he seems to be a far off wondrous mystery. Something we can’t quite grasp in our feeble brains. It is easy to believe that God’s love for us is a reflection of our feelings. Days when thing are good we see God’s love as good. But on days when things are bad we see God as more distant.

On Sundays we speak of God’s love but what of the other days of the week. Do we forget after church that God still loves us? Going through our days of work, shopping, house cleaning, sporting events, and leisure can distract us from lessons learned on Sundays. Sometimes pressure of the week can drain the knowledge attained on Sunday out of us.

God showed his love for us when Christ suffered and died on the cross. This is one indisputable point where we know God loves us. A time when God called us back to himself, to be redeemed as his loved children. Surely this is what Paul spoke of in Ephesians, to know love that surpasses knowledge. The breadth, length, height and depth of God’s love were demonstrated when the King of the universe chose Calvary.

Yet as undeniable as the cross is, there are other ways to experience God’s love. In faith based prayer, one can feel the love of God when prayers are answered. Reading the bible one can experience the very breath of God as he speaks to us. The love of a parent for a child is a reflection of God’s love for us. Charitable acts can share the love of Christ with others.  

In this world we can experience God’s love for us and we can share the love of Christ with others. What of the next world? It is one thing to hear a loved one’s voice or to read a letter. But what happens when we stand face to face with the King of the universe in heaven. What emotions will we experience as love in heaven? We will probably discover the breadth, length, height, and width of love far surpass our earthly imagination. What we know this side of the grave is but a reflection of what we will experience on the other side.

Dear Lord, Let me know the breadth, length, depth, and width of your love. Let me share your love with others. May I become a reflection of your heavenly love for others. That through me others will have a desire to draw closer to you and your great love..

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