And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?

Friday, January 29, 2016

Seeking Peace

Turn from evil and do good;
Seek peace and pursue it.
Psalms 34:14

Turning from evil seems simple enough. We can avoid committing crimes and becoming violent.  But what else might be evil?  Jesus said that is we harbor angers towards our brother we are liable of judgment. If we insult our brother or sister we are liable of the council. Could anger and harsh words be considered evil? Is turning away from God to glorifying in our fleshly desires a form of evil? Even lust is considered adultery of the heart. Surely the sins of our hearts and desires are evil in God’s eye. We must turn away from the evil in our hearts and do good. We must become a blessing to others. It is not enough to give up anger towards someone we must learn to wish them well. Pray for their wellbeing and bless them when we can.

To turn away from evil and do good we must consistently chose to seek help from God. Through pray and consistent effort we can tame our flesh and crucify out hearts. But good behavior alone is not enough. We are commanded to seek peace. Seeking a unity of spirit with God where we walk in His peace. Pursuing peace is active. It is not laying back waiting for God to hand us peace. It is a diligent effort to bring peace into our lives.  As Paul wrote we must think about what is true, commendable, pure, praiseworthy, and excellent. We must choose to guard our minds and focus on the things pleasing to God.

The life of choosing to focus our thoughts is a life of discipleship. A life that includes turning our mind over to God regularly. Allowing Him to bring to our attention the thoughts and desires which displease Him. As we explore our thoughts and look for ways to refocus surely God will direct us towards things praiseworthy and excellent. We might need to turn off the TV more often. Put down the paper. Stop searching the internet. Spend more time reading the bible, praying, and praising God. im.HH

As we let God refocus our minds we will learn to live at peace with our brothers and sisters. We will give up angry emotions, fear, and harsh words. Our hearts will be consumed with the peace of God. We will be able to share that peace with others.  To truly pursue peace we must pursue God. Only He can give us lasting peace. God has not promised us understanding of all that happens in this world. He has promised us peace which defies understanding.

Dear Lord, fill me with the peace of your spirit. Cleanse my mind that I will be pleasing to you. Help me to turn from evil and pursue peace in all that I do. Direct me towards things which are pariseworthy, excellent, pure, true, and commendable. Let me become a source of peace for those around me.

Monday, January 18, 2016

I want to party with Jesus

The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say,
‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard,
a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’
Matthew 11v19

I don’t want to be a glutton or a drunkard.  I want to live my life so that I am accused of being a drunkard and a glutton while doing the will of God.  What was Jesus doing that he was accused of being a drunkard? Did he attend parties and enjoying himself? Was he so full of the Spirit that people thought he was drunk? Did he live his life with so much joy that people talked? Did he sing psalms with abandon?

The Bible says Jesus was a man of sorrows. But why would he be accused of gluttony and drunkenness? Perhaps it was merely an accusation to insult him. Though he did eat and drink it is doubtful that it was in excess. More likely his mercy and compassion were his excesses.  

This was early in his ministry before he fed the 5000 or the 4000. It was a time after he expanded on the Beatitudes and gave many parables on living in the kingdom. He proclaimed God’s love in a way few understood. Yet thousand would follow him to hear his strange message of love and healing.

How do I live my life to be accused as Jesus. Surely it was painful to be rejected and accused. It is not something to seek. Rather seek after the mercy and compassion which Jesus exemplified. Seek after feeding the poor, healing the sick, and clothing the naked. Always remember my reward is in heaven not here on earth.

Jesus was friends with tax collectors. But there are no tax collectors in my society. There are people outside the church. People judge harshly by society. People rejected by Christians as unclean in the modern world. Drug addicts, drunks, homosexuals, prison inmates, and the homeless. Aren’t these people the lepers of today’s church. How do I befriend them in Christian love. Show them the love of God to a point that they find God irresistible.

I will need to go outside my usual church contacts. I would need to talk to the unchurched. Visit homeless shelters, prisons, drug recovery centers. Go on mission trips in other cities or other countries. Look for the places lacking God’s love and go there to share what I know. It is risky business sharing the love of God with the unchurched. Perhaps that is why Jesus was rejected and accused by the religious people of his day. He dared to share God’s love with the outcast rather than focusing only on the religious.

Dear Lord let me understand how to dance the way Jesus dances, to befriend people the way Jesus befriends people.  Let me befriend the unchurched. Fill my soul with love for those you love. Let me feed the hungry, heal the sick, and clothed the naked. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Under His Wings

He will cover you with His pinions,
And under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.
Psalms 91:4

I take great pleasure in knowing God wants to protect me. As a hen calls her chicks to herself and spreads her wings to cover them so God would protect me. When there is trouble to great for me to confront, such as a hawk in the sky, God will call me.  He watches the skies for danger while I play in the yard and he calls me when danger comes to close. It is comforting to know God is always watching around me and He sees things I do not understand.

He is also a shield which stands in front of me. He is faithful to stand between me and my enemies, whatever they may be. He was there when the car wreck almost happened.  He is watching in the storm. The time I slipped but didn’t fall down the steps, he was there. There is no way of knowing how many things did not happen in my life because God was there.

A bulwark is a fortified wall or defensive rampart. It is something very strong used to protect from enemies. God is the strongest being in the universe, stronger than a fort or an army. He is stronger than the sun or the stars in the sky. The universe is God’s handiwork. Nothing is stronger than Him. Anything which frightens me is weak compared to my God.  

The world is a dangerous place these days.  There is much to worry and fret over; war, terrorist, mass murders. But God is stronger than all of it and all of them. There is no situation that God cannot control. From the smallest inconvenience to the biggest threat, God is there. Sometimes watching the news it seems God is far away or has forgotten us. But the bible tells me He is here with me watching over me. If I call to him when the day is dark, he is there. Reach for him and trust Him more than the thing around me. He will always be here, with me.

Dear Lord, lead me and guide all the days of my life. Teach me to lean on you no matter what is happening. Be my strength, my shield, my bulwark.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

To be given much

From everyone who has been given much,
much will be demanded;
and from the one who has been entrusted with much,
much more will be asked.
Luke 12:48

I live where much is given.  Our closets overflow and our garages
are full. We have  so much that storage rooms are rented to hold 
the abundance. Yet it never seems to be enough.  There is always 
an advertisement for one more wonderful thing that will bring 
happiness. It is easy to fall prey to a never ending quest for 
happiness through possessions.

Yet how often do we stop desiring more to consider what is expected of us for what we own. The Bible tells us much will be demanded from those who are given much.  What is it that will be demanded?  The Biblical command to “feed the poor, clothe the naked, and heal the sick”, suggest a beginning.  Certainly an abundance of possessions can be donated to feed the poor, and clothe the naked, or sold for medicine to heal the sick. There are many charities seeking donation from our abundance.

But what of non-material possessions which are given to us.  Intelligence, love, opportunity, and time are all things we possess. These are given to us as well as material possessions. What will be asked of us when we have an abundance of love in our life? Should we find ways to share our love with those who have little?  Offering friendship to those who seem friendless is one way to share your love. Sharing a meal with a lonely person is a way to share love and time. Taking time to work at a soup kitchen or visit a nursing home is another way to share.

For those with an abundance of intelligent or skilled training, working behind a desk of a non-profit organization is a way of sharing your gifts.  Teaching bible study or Sunday school is another way of sharing. Teaches can change the life of students. Office workers can smooth the path of volunteers.  Girl Scout and Boy Scout leaders share love, time, and skills while influencing young minds. The list of ways to share non-material possessions is as long as a list of local volunteers.

If we share material possessions with the poor, naked, and sick we follow Jesus’ commandment.  If we volunteer our time, love, intelligence, and skills to help others we are giving much of what we have.  But the most important gift we are given is our relationship with Christ.

The Christian walk with Jesus is the greatest gift we have received. It is ours to possess. What will be expected from us when we accept this gift? Our very lives are given in response to the love of Christ. More than our lives we are to love God with our whole heart, mind, and soul. And if we love God we are to obey his commandments. Much is expected from us indeed.

Dear Lord, Thank you for giving me so much to possess.  Thank you for the material things and help me to share these with others. Thank you for the time, opportunity, intelligence, and love in my life. Help me to share these gifts with others. Most of all, thank you for letting me walk through this world with you at my side.  Thank you for your sacrificial love, eternal patience, and guiding hand.