And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The beauty of God's creation

For you will go out with joy
And be led forth with peace;
The mountains and the hills will break forth 
into shouts of joy before you.
And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Isaiah 55v12

What does it mean for a mountain to shout?  Does a hallowing wind blow between cliff and ravine causing sounds to echo?  Do birds fly in large flocks with beating wings reverberating between mountainous peaks?  Do mountains actually make noise as easily as rocks pour forth water?  Are we called to do more than enjoy the beauty of God’s creation? Are we called to rule over the very mountains, hills, trees, and fields?

I believe we are.  The world was given to us in Genesis and even though we broke it, it is still ours.  As any child is given responsibility to feed a pet, or put up toys, we are responsible for the earth.  It is a gift from the Great King, and as His children we have responsibility beyond enjoying the gift.

I planted a small garden in the backyard and it produces more cucumbers and squash that I can eat.  So I make soup to freeze and give as gifts to friends.  By being responsible for a small plot of earth it multiplies the gift and bring smiles to others. Those that generously share squash soup recipes online participate in my joy.

A friend gave me the gift of daylilies to make my yard more beautiful. She brought many smiles to my face along with hours of gardening therapy to enrich my soul.  Her neighbors and mine enjoy the beauty of flowers we plant in our yards.  As the daylilies multiply I will share them with someone else, bring joy and smiles to another soul.

There is a large hill behind my house. Although it has never shouted, it does bring me joy.  Staring at the trees bending in the breeze and listening to the birds sing, brings peace to my soul.  At the end of a long day there is my peaceful patio waiting to offer solace and a glimpse of the abundant generosity of God.

God has given us so much in this rich and abundant earth.  How much can we give others by being responsible children, taking care of our gift, and sharing it with others?

Dear Lord, never let me take the beauty of nature for granted.  Help me find ways to share that beauty with others.  Show me how to be a more responsible child.

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